Don’t Gain Weight During your Vacation

some simple and achievable points to help you avoid gaining weight while on vacation:

Stay Active: Engage in physical activities like walking, swimming, hiking, or cycling. Explore your destination on foot whenever possible to increase your daily step count and burn calories. I try to take a brisk walk in the mornings even if its just 20 mins.

Choose Active Sightseeing: Opt for activities that involve movement, such as guided city tours, outdoor adventures, or visiting attractions that require walking or hiking. This way, you can enjoy sightseeing while being physically active.

Pack Healthy Snacks: Pack some healthy snacks like nuts, protein bars, dried snacks and easy to handle vegetables like carrots to have on hand when hunger strikes. This will help you avoid unhealthy snack options available at convenience stores or airports.

Eat Balanced Meals: Opt for balanced meals that include a mix of lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of vegetables. Choose grilled or baked options over fried foods and opt for lighter sauces or dressings. Try to begin with the salad to add a layer of fibre which helps to avoid weight gain.

Desserts: Be mindful of portion sizes. If you do eat dessert try to walk at least 10 mins afterwards to use the sugar in the blood. Avoid unnecessary overeating.

Stay Hydrated: Start your morning with 500 ml of water ( 2 glasses) Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger, so staying hydrated can help you avoid unnecessary snacking.

Supplements: Also keep magnesium, omega 3 and melatonin handy with you. This will help you adjust, sleep better and help with going to the bathroom and eliminating regularly while you are on holiday which is super important. The melatonin will also help to keep you sleeping 7 hour a day if you have sleep disruptions.

Manage Stress: Vacations can sometimes be stressful. Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or engaging in activities that help you relax and unwind. Ashwaganda has been a herbal supplement that has helped so many when it comes to relaxing

vacation program: Gymnadz offers a 10 min a day vacation program you can opt to choose while your on holiday. I like to do it in the morning or b4 lunch.

Remember, the goal is to maintain a healthy balance and enjoy your vacation while being mindful of your choices. Implementing these simple strategies can help you stay on track and avoid weight gain while still enjoying your time away. Even if you do gain a few pounds with some great memories, getting back to a healthy routine will be easy with the gymnadz app.